In early June, a group from Wet Planet set out to paddle the waterfalls of Eagle Creek across the river in Oregon. The group included myself, Curt Joyce, Lance Reif, Ryan Copenhagen, and Heather Herbeck. We hiked 4 miles in, carrying our kayaks on our shoulders. Ryan was the only one who thought to bring a kayak pack system. At the end of our hike we arrived at Skoonichuck falls. After a long bit a of scouting most of us opted to, as the french would say, "Portage". Lance was the only one who decided to run the falls, but you can read more about that on his blog Eagle creek had some fun low volume rapids with some truly amazing gorges. Finally after a few miles of fun rapids and pretty scenery we arrived at 35ft Punchbowl Falls, a PNW classic. With mostly good lines we all finished our run with smiles. A few of us were looking at the further down 98ft Metlako falls, but decided to save it for another day.
Hiking into Eagle Creek
Photo: Curt Joyce
Photo: Curt Joyce
An awesome log jam in the high bridge micro gorge.
Photo: Curt Joyce
Come back soon for more exciting tales of adventure.