It was both Curt and my first time down the North Fork and we were both pretty excited. Until now I had spent my whole summer creeking, so I was anxious as well as a bit nervous to get on some bit water. The first day in Idaho we paddled all 15 miles. With flows around 2,100 cfs it couldn't have been more ideal. The sun was shining and I was wearing a shorty splashtop. The first day it was only the three of us paddling. We did run into two German guys on a month long kayaking trip in the U.S. We paddled the top 10 miles the next day with them and it was quite epic. In a rapid called slider, Drew was leading and led us all down the gut of a pretty large hole that ended up working the two Germans and one of our crew. After everyone surfed out, the Germans came out with smiles ear to ear yelling "We Surf Ze Bitch!!". It was pretty awesome, those two guys were really cool and I enjoyed paddling with them. Its nice being surrounded by enthusiastic people. After two days in Idaho paddling a NorthWest big water classic I was ready to return to the cool waters of the White Salmon. The trip was a big success and we all had tons of fun.
Steepness, which is the first rapid on the N. Fork.
Photo: Brian Ward
Photo: Brian Ward
The whole group paddling through S-Turn.
Photo: Brian Ward
Peeling out above Golf Course. Its called that because there are 18 holes.
Photo: Brian Ward
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